Sexual assault and consent
According to the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit, in 2020 so far 65% of attendees already knew their assailant.
According to 2019 data from the Sexual Violence Centre, over 70% of perpetrators of sexual violence were known to the victim.
It is a myth that rape is only committed by strangers in dark alleys.
According to the 2019 ‘My World Survey 2’, 47% of young adults have been touched sexually without consent or against their will.
Sexual consent is an agreement to participate in a sexual activity. Before engaging in sexual activity with someone, you need to know if the feeling is mutual and they want to engage in it with you as well. It’s also important to be honest with your partner about what you want and don’t want.
Sexual Violence Centre, previously Cork Rape Crisis Service, has been providing services to victims of sexual violence in Cork city and County for over 33 years.
The Sexual Assault Treatment Unit is a dedicated unit where clients who have experienced Rape or sexual assault can be examined and treated in a holistic way.
The HSE Health Promotion Cork & Kerry Community Healthcare team are running a local consent campaign.
Use the hashtags #TouchwithConsent #MakeLovewithConsent to support the campaign.
The Centre provides information, counselling and support in matters of sexual health, sexuality and wellbeing. If you ring the Monday-Friday helpline, a trained advisor will answer any questions you may have.