Genito-Urinary Medicine / Sexually Transmitted Infections (GUM / STI ) Clinic
The GUM / STD Clinic is a free, HSE operated Sexual Health Service based in the South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital (SIVUH), Cork. Our aim is to provide the highest level of care and expertise to all patients who wish to attend our clinic or seek information about STIs. We are a highly trained and experienced team of Health professionals and we will do everything we can to help, offer support and provide direct access to free STI testing.
As part of the SHCPP National pilot programme, we are delighted to announce that our free online STI testing pilot programme has been extended for the next few months.
Any patients with a Cork / Kerry address can avail of this simple free on line screening service. It is for asymptomatic patients only. For further information and how to order a kit please log on to : sh24.ie.
Telephone 021 4966 844 (9am to 4pm Monday to Friday) for assessment or outside these hours please contact the Emergency Department in Cork University Hospital (021 454 6400) or Mercy University Hospital (021 427 1971).
We advise all existing and potential PrEP patients to make individual contact with the clinic to discuss appointments. Our PrEP service is operating at capacity but each application will be reviewed by our Medical staff.
HPV, Hepatitis A&B vaccinations available to all eligible candidates. Any new patients can contact the clinic to discuss the vaccination service.
When you arrive at the GUM / STD Clinic, please approach the sign posted clinic reception and inform our Admin team that you have arrived. Once you have confirmed your appointment and personal details, you will then be provided with a unique Clinic ID number. This number will be your ID number for your first and any subsequent visits so please keep a record of same. It is important that you provide correct details on registration to avoid any confusion at future visits. We will not disclose any of your details to any third party without your permission and all of the information you provide is strictly confidential.
A typical visit for a full STI screen will take approximately 1.5 hours so ensure that you allocate sufficient time for this.
You will then be asked to take a seat in the waiting room and listen for your number to be called by a member of our staff.
The first person to call your clinic number will be a member of our Medical staff. Once in the consultation room with the Doctor, you will be asked some personal questions about your general and sexual health.
EG “When did you last have sex? “Was it Vaginal? Anal? Oral?”
These personal questions are only being asked for the purpose of assessing your health / STI risk and to help the Medical staff to take the appropriate tests for you depending on your particular risk exposure.
Although it can be embarrassing being asked such questions, it is important that you always provide honest answers. Remember that all of our staff have probably seen and heard similar scenarios.
A physical examination of your genital area will then be carried out by the same Doctor. The examination varies for men and women.
After the initial interview, all women attending will first be examined for any rashes, lumps and bumps. The Doctor will then insert a small instrument called a speculum that will allow them to see inside your vagina, including your cervix. This is not a painful procedure. While the speculum is in place, swabs will then be taken and sent for testing. This examination only lasts for a couple of minutes.
Depending on the sexual history you have provided, swabs may also be taken from your throat and anus. You will also be asked to provide a urine sample and later in the visit, a blood sample will be taken to test for HIV, Hepatitis B and Syphilis. All female patients will be asked to hold their urine for 1 hour prior to their appointment time.
After the initial interview, the Doctor will first carry out a general examination of your genital area, assessing your skin and testicles for any rashes, lumps/bumps or unusual penile discharge. Depending on your sexual history, a throat and anal swab may also be taken. There is a myth amongst men that an “umbrella type” swab is used but this is definitely not true.
You will also be asked to provide a urine sample and later in the visit, a blood sample will be taken to test for HIV, Hepatitis B and Syphilis.
All male patients attending for an STI screen will be asked to hold their urine for 1 hour prior to the appointment time. Peeing too soon before the examination may flush out any infection present meaning that they may not be detected on the tests so it is important to adhere to the instruction not to pee for 1 hour.
While some infections can be diagnosed by visual examination alone, others require urine samples, blood tests etc. Most of these other tests such as Chlamydia and HIV take up to two weeks to process.
A complete set of results will be ready 2 weeks later and we will contact you via text / telephone call depending on the actual results.
Sexual Health Adviser
All new patients attending the clinic will have an opportunity to meet our Health Adviser. Our Health Advisers are experts in supporting patients who have been diagnosed with, or have concerns about, STIs. They are also here to advise you regarding safer sex, condom use /demonstration, partner notification and any other queries you may have in relation to sexual health.
All patients with a new diagnosis will need to meet the Sexual Health Adviser.
PrEP (Pre Exposure Prophylaxis)
PrEP to prevent HIV
PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. PrEP is taken by HIV negative people before having sex (pre-exposure) and after sex, to prevent HIV (this is called prophylaxis). PrEP has been shown in many studies to be safe and highly effective at preventing HIV. When taken correctly PrEP has been found to be about 99% effective.
PrEP is the newest HIV prevention tool available and is best used in combination with other HIV prevention measures. If you decide to use PrEP, it is important to do this with support from a healthcare professional.
How to get PrEP?
PrEP is now available in the GUM /STI Clinic. Please contact us at 0874504239 for more details or enquire during your clinic visit.
This service is offered free of charge to all patients who meet the eligibility criteria.
HPV Vaccination Liaison Nurse
In July 2018, the National Immunisation Advisory Committee(NIAC) recommended the Human Papilloma Virus vaccine for MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) up to and including 45 years of age. This includes MSM living with HIV. The vaccine is available at all of our clinics and is free of charge to those who meet the eligibility criteria.
Please feel free to enquire about this service at 021 4966 844.
Gardasil is the name of the HPV vaccine used in our service.
Other Services
You may also be advised by the Doctor to have a Hepatitis A/B Vaccination. This will be decided once your results are available. Vaccination is a free service.
STI’s and Treatments
All of our services adhere to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) STI Guidelines.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Anyone who has ever had unprotected sex / sexual contact. The majority of STIs have no symptoms so the only way to know for certain is to get checked. There are few people in life who haven’t taken a risk and it is always advisable to speak to a health professional if you have any concerns. Feel free to contact us to assess your individual situation.
Having sex is natural but having unprotected sex with someone is always a risk for STIs. Condoms, used properly, are great protectors so it is always a good idea to have a condom with you if there is any chance you will have sex with someone. There are different levels of risk depending on the type of sex you have. Unprotected vaginal or anal sex with a stranger is a definite risk for STIs including HIV. But infections can also be transmitted by having oral sex with someone.
Ideally , to a service such as the GUM / STI Clinic. Your GP may also be able to perform some tests but you will receive specialist advice and treatment at a GUM / STI Clinic.
Some infections have symptoms but many don’t, so it’s always better to get checked out.
Not necessarily. You might have an infection that you hadn’t yet passed on to your partner when they had their check up. Ideally, a couple should get checked at the same time to avoid any confusion.
This depends on the risks you have taken and who you may have been with since your last check up. Feel free to contact the clinic to discuss any queries.
Yes. We can still do a lot of the tests and examine you if necessary. The remaining tests can be taken once your period has finished.
It’s simple. All appointments can be booked by contacting our clinic directly at 021 4966 844. This number provides direct access to our service. No referral is required. A 24 hour voice mail service is available at this number and the only people listening to the voicemails are staff working within the clinic. The phone lines are often busy so if you feel you cannot get through, please leave a clear message with your Name, Contact telephone number and we will call you back as soon as possible.
As our clinic is appointment only, it is essential that you contact us to arrange same.
Item description
Nobody will be informed of your attendance at the clinic without your knowledge or permission. All information you provide remains confidential. Even if you decide to attend with a partner, both of you will be seen individually and your cases will never be shared.
In certain, very limited, circumstances disclosure to 3rd party Government agencies may be necessary. This is very rare and would involve any Child Protection issues as mandated by TUSLA , the Child and Family Agency.
It is always advisable to provide your correct personal details as it is important that the clinic can contact you regarding any infection that may require treatment.
No. You do not need a GP referral. You can contact the clinic directly to arrange your appointment.
The service is free and any treatment required is also free.
Item descriptionThe swabs / tests aren’t painful but can sometimes be a little bit uncomfortable. If you are worried about any of the tests, always tell this to the Doctor/Nurse beforehand.
No. It is actually important that you eat a breakfast as you normally would.
The only people present in our waiting area are people attending the service. Our waiting room is not shared with any other service while the clinic is in progress.
While this doesn’t happen too often, it is possible that you may meet someone you know in the waiting room. This can be awkward but it is important to remember that anyone attending the clinic is doing so for the right reasons. As mentioned already, most people have probably taken risks in life so it’s always better to check things out and know your status.
All staff working in the HSE / STD Clinic are legally required , under the Data Protection Act 2018 , to ensure the security and confidentiality of all personal data, information they collect and process on behalf of the service user. If you have any worries in this regard, feel free to discuss / clarify any concerns with any member of staff at your visit.
Contact Details
Contact us
For appointments and reception call: 021 4966844
24 hour Voice Mail service available.
If you leave a clear message with your name and contact telephone number, we will return your call within 24 hours.
Clinic Times
Mon: 9am - 12pm
Tues: 9am - 12pm
Wed: 9am – 12pm; 13.45pm - 16.00pm
Thurs: 9am - 12pm